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To Wet or To Whet, that is the Question

Updated: Jun 23, 2024

Oxford, UK

If you are ever brave enough to break out of your comfort zone, that bubble of yours, then please don`t do it by halves. I mean, you wouldn`t only half-roast a chicken, or would you?

Ronni did not, she took her courage and her camera in both hands and went the whole hog but she`s not resting on her Laurels just yet.

I met Ronni, as known by family, friends and followers, back in 1987 at The Dog-House Hotel in Frilford Heath, a small hamlet in the heart of Oxfordshire with perhaps 20 locals, a Pub/Hotel and a Golf-Course. It was there, that we not only perfected the Art of “Out-of-Hours-Port-Wine-Tasting,” Ronni employed as Chef, myself, live-in Assistant Dogsbody, where an unexpected promotion was to catapult Ronni out of her much-loved comfort zone.

On completion of her Catering Training in Oxford where she learned the Basics of Cooking, Ronni gained firsthand experience in the Catering Kitchen environment. This was followed by a variety of positions including work in the Health Sector and running her own Catering Business, providing local Events and Farm Shops with home-made goodies. Whatever her role, it most often involved catering and as Ronni now appreciates, it was the professional presentation of her own self-made produce which taught her the Art of Food Styling.

On Ronni`s 18th birthday and encouraged by her father, she received her first serious piece of camera equipment. Photography soon became one of her favourite hobbies and if not found in a kitchen, she would be behind her Camera-Lens, often both.

The onset of Lockdown prevented Ronni’s face-to-face support-work at one of the UK’s longest established Mental-Health-Rehabilitation-Services – Restore, forcing her to do as much as she could from home. Despite these frustrating circumstances, the personal re-evaluation which followed left no stone unturned and in hindsight, was time well spent.

Deliberately she began taking downtime, removing herself for just one or two hours a day from her desk. These moments of deliberation brought forth innovative ideas, her creativity and replenished an already intimate relationship with her camera. Also it seems, with a number of cabbages.

A new and inspiring chapter began. One combining excellent cooking skills with a sharp, yet empathetic eye for detail. Ronni`s first models were simple ones. More personal exploration than monetary motivation.


Shot for shot, Ronni highlighted regional Fayre and seasonal produce from cabbages and curly kale to pumpkins and pies. The results were exquisite.

Surprise Breakthrough

In June of 2021 Ronni won her first award and with it, a new camera. The Nikon Mirrorless Z5 is still in use today. Her Instagram Profile took off overnight as did her confidence.

Surprised but positively motivated, further award entries followed. One was for the prestigious Pink Lady World Food Programme Award, a competition with no less than 100.000 participants worldwide.

As finalist in 2022, she received a Highly Commended in the category: Food Influencer for a table full of simple veg (Brassica) and this year (2024) again Highly Commended in the category: World Food Programme.


Several stimuli trigger emotional desire and visual perception is without a doubt, at the top of that list. These impulses affect not only our behaviour, but also what we choose to consume. Taste-bud tickling, mouthwatering and appealing images are the perfect prompt for wetting any potential customer`s whistle. Need I say more?

Meanwhile, Ronni has got over those “wobbles” as she calls them, boasting not only a Portfolio of fantastic images, but also an ever-increasing list of happy clients. Her photographs and accompanying articles have been published in the Digital Photographer Magazine, including an excellent double-page-spread on Still-Life Photography and why it works.

Ronni’s work has also appeared at the Royal Photographic Society in London.

Backbone & Ethics


Satisfaction comes through engaging with, and the support of local and independent companies, regional Producers and Craftsmen such as herself.

Personal contact and mutual ethics enhance the quality of her working environment. A humble person, the appreciation of her clients’ products generates natural, yet competitive results.


Those lucky enough to get on Ronni`s Job-List may choose from one of three packages: Basic, Plus or Premium, depending on the scale, complexity and logistics involved in the assignment.

Social-Media channels, particularly Instagram, have proven an efficient marketing tool for both imagery and essential business networking.

“Instagram is an opportune platform for connecting with potential clients, as is the community network “Independent Oxford,” of which I am a member. A free, non-binding chat with like-minded individuals builds not only trust but is far more enjoyable than expensive advertising.” she says.

One of Ronni`s first clients were the result of a shopping spree at her local Deli and a subsequent post on her Instagram page. A star cook herself; she is more than willing to go out of her way in sourcing fresh ingredients.

Ronni is also up for a challenge and takes considerable pleasure in developing new showcase ideas. Her creativity and ability to think “out of the box” encourage long-standing client relationships, as is the case with ChalkStream® Foods Ltd, a sustainable trout company in Hampshire, UK.

Food for Thought

A short reminder: but for a few, Ronni`s compositions, captured personally on camera are prepared (cooked/baked) and presented single-handedly. Her catering proficiency contributes to the expressive detail, the result of years of experience, hard work and without question, her Trademark™. Her images tell stories and are often accompanied by short, informative, sometimes witty comments. 


Although analogue Film-Photography (using negatives) has been experiencing a strong renaissance in recent years, the world of Digitalisation and AI is upon us. You may call me old fashioned, but in my opinion, neither will ever replace reality and emotion. Perhaps it is just me, but can’t you smell and taste the fresh lemony zest above too?

As with wine-analysis, simple association can tap into our subconscious mind, channel our perception accordingly and as a result, affect our actions.

Talking of wine, I almost forgot. My new wine-project is in full swing, and little does she know it yet, but Ronni will soon be reliving a long-forgotten pastime of ours: The gracious Art of Out-of-Hours-Whistle-Wetting

Presuming I`ve whet your appetite as much as Ronni`s pics do mine, and before I rhubarb on any further, then please feel free to get in touch!

Fon: +44 (0) 753 422 5037

Footnote: "To be or not to be, that is the question", written by Shakespeare a very long time ago. The Title of this piece was perhaps a little confusing. A small lesson in the English language: Ronni will wet your whistle but whet your appetite. Google it ;-)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

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