Douro, Portugal

An early morning start was on the agenda today and on leaving Quinta Lamosa in Arcos de Valdevez it was raining cats and dogs. But when two women 50 + travel, they plan ahead.
Soaked to the skin on departure and with a windscreen not wanting to demist, we set off on our two-and-a-half-hour drive: destination Sabrosa.

Just three minutes late and despite putting my foot down somewhat but in accordance, of course, with highway speed-limits, we were rest assured:
“that`s no problem, you`re in Portugal!”.
Our slight delay, due to a record-breaking clothes-change at the nearest layby did cause though, great amusement to a coffee-drinking roadside audience.

Fotocredit: Ministério da Cultura
Slightly dishevelled but dry we received a warm and hearty welcome by Lavradores de Feitoria`s Tourist Manager, Eduardo Ferreira. The Winery and Great Wine Capitals Best of Wine Tourism Award Winner 2023 founded in 2000, was an initiative of 15 winegrowers from 3 sub-regions of the Douro Valley: Baixo Corgo, Cima Corgo and Douro Superior.

An interactive map for more information about all 20 Producers is available here
Today, with now 20 active winegrowers, 53 shareholders, 19 farms including Quinta do Medronheiro purchased in 2008, they source approximately 600 hectares of vineyards. The impressive slate-clad headquarters and winery as seen today exists since 2021, and in April 2022 they opened their doors to Wine-Tourism.

In 2022, after almost six years’ experience setting up a new tourism project at the award-winning complex Quinta Nova de Nossa Senhora do Carmo, Eduardo Ferreira began work for Lavradores de Feitoria. Good timing and an intelligent move on both parts. Eduardo is a communicative individual, a passionate Ambassador of his “Enchanted Douro Valley”. A storyteller, an entertainer and probably the most enthusiastic wine-promoter I have ever met.

Our first communication was back in January 2024 whilst preparing for my visit to the Wine and Travel Week in Porto and there, he immediately stood out from the crowd. Eduardo, born and bred in the Douro Valley, recognises, welcomes and supports the transition which is taking place: one of shifting market demand over the past 20 to 25 years, also of public opinion. Not only the big names are responding to this and wine production in Portugal is expected to grow.

According to a 2023 statistic produced by the Instituto da Vinha e do Vinho (IVV), a volume of 7.4 million hl - which would be an annual increase of 8% - has been forecast for 2024 and an estimated 10% for the Douro Valley alone (1.6 million hl = +146,000 hl). This means the highest rise in production since 2006. However, for many small and unique wine growers the economic challenge and competition remains considerable, the grape prices insultingly low.

Lavradores de Feitoria`s unique project has successfully contributed to the financial stability of 20 such producers. All participating farmers have stakes in the company's capital, meaning they also have a say in procedures, prices and production.

Together they are working hand in hand under one Brand Name only, enjoying the benefits of a single team collectively – be they in the field, the cellar or in marketing. The Winery produces high quality elegant blends with the Unique Douro Identity. Their portfolio also includes fresh single-varietals and is divided into three categories:
Lavradores de Feitoria and Três Bagos: are made from carefully selected grapes and are a reflection of the traditional Douro Art of Blending, including both DOC and Vinho Regional.
Terroir Wines – are character strong and complex wines with high aging potential. Individual terroir-representatives mirroring the single-site vineyards on which they grow.

Cultivation methods vary depending on the grape variety, vineyard exposure and altitude and all grapes are harvested by hand. Up until quite recently, many old and mixed-vineyards were dug up to make way for single-variety cultivation. The trend now though, is one of preservation rather than replacement so today, conservation of Old Vines – some up to 80 years old, is widespread and often financially advantageous. Vinhas velhas sell.

Today, Lavradores de Feitoria has the capacity to store no less than 1800000 bottles of wine with 50 % reserved for the national market and 50 % for export. Now the 7th largest exporter in the Douro Valley, Norway is their major recipient closely followed by Brazil and the United States. For Riesling and Sauvignon Blanc fans they have recently launched both varieties, declared in accordance with Portugues Wine Law, as Vinho Regional (VR).

The Douro Valley is the only wine region in the world with two Denominação de Origem Controlada (DOC`s) or controlled appellations of origin: one for Still Wine (since 1986) and one for Port Wine, whereby native grapes must be used for both. According to the history books: in 1756, the Douro Valley became the first wine region in the world to be officially demarcated. Having said that, Chianti claims the same – in 1716 and Tokaj in Hungary a close second – in 1737.

Talking of Pole-Positions: Eduardo has a second passion in which he successfully combines business with pleasure, so if you can`t find him in the winery, just pop to the Clube Automóvel in Vila Real.
For 30 years or more he has been an active member and contributor to the world of Racing, both nationally and internationally, also the initiator and supplier of not only one exclusive Wine-Club on the scene. It comes as no surprise that when explaining something about which he is passionate, he takes off like a rocket from from 0 to 100 mph in a matter of seconds!
Wine-Tourism activities are a popular pastime for Wine-Fans visiting Portugal and in most Quintas you will have no problem whatsoever in finding a tour or a tasting opportunity. From short hikes through the vineyard and informative insights into the cellar-work, to grape-stomping and harvesting, Wine-Tourism in Portugal is taken seriously and booming. Thanks to Eduardos dedication and initiative Lavradores de Feitoria also offer an interesting list of activities, including a Visita Guiada Privada Soberbo which, although not speaking a word of Portuguese myself, still sounded a wee bit teetotal. Only joking, Soberbo means superb and not sober…as google translator kindly informed me..

“Winemaker for a Day” on the other hand, sounded just up my street. You get more than just a Tour and a Tasting: you go home with your very own personally corked and labelled Master-Blend – as I did and am presently enjoying right now 😉.

Our morning began with a guided tour of the vineyards. Eduardo, so enthusiastic about what he does, is like one of those Belgian Fireworks banned in Germany, that on igniting, go off in all directions. Only teasing. 😉 In perfect English and a highly informative manner, accompanied by his relatively new and sympathetic colleague Beatriz Mansilha – herself responsible for the camera-work and Social Media among other tasks – Eduardo showed us the whole premises including the wine-cellar and busy bottling line.

What followed was one of my highlights on this particular visit to Portugal: the Winemaking session in the cellar and a Terroir Tasting in the Wineshop, which has absolutely breathtaking views. Eduardo, not simply a tour guide but indeed a good teacher, often receives groups of oenology students as well as tourists. No wonder. Under his watchful eye and instruction, wearing our stylish “Winemaker for a Day” pinnies, holding a 1000 cl measuring glass in one hand and a pipette in the other, our blending experience and the main reason for our visit, could begin.

The Art of Blending is just that: an Art, which we soon found out through much trial and error. Each of our three base-wines – or Lote (batch) in Portuguese – came with a list of information indicating grape variety, vintage, and vinification method as seen here.
Having deciphered these and presuming they served as decision-making assistance, we then tasted each wine individually. According to Eduardo, we would now know the perfect base-wine-ratio for a stunning Cuvée, he just didn`t say for which palate….

It took me three attempts before I was satisfied with “Gail`s Tipple” as my Master-Blend was then labelled - this also designed and produced on-site. The whole experience was a fascinating eye-opener and acknowledgement of how sophisticated Wine Blenders` senses need to be, also how well they must know their wines.

In hindsight, I did make one big mistake that morning which I haven`t told Eduardo about yet:
I forgot to let him taste my end result, because who knows – potentially, I might just have created Lavradores de Feitoria`s next Bestseller without even knowing it!

(for my Secret mind-blowing Formula - please see image)
Many, many thanks to you both – Eduardo and Beatriz - also of course to Lavradores de Feitoria for having us, for your hospitality, your precious time and most of all, for successfully turning us into Winemaking Pros in a Day!

Fotocredits: Gail Treuer, Lavradores de Feitoria, Ministério da Cultura
Fotomodel: Monika Kreutzer
This is such a fun experience and one I highly recommend, especially with Eddie the Icon.

For further information please contact Eduardo Ferreira personally under:
Lavradores de Feitoria – Vinhos de Quinta
S.A.Quinta do Medronheiro
Estrada Nacional 323 10
5060-375 Sabrosa
Tel.: +351 259 937 380

By the way Eduardo, please tell me: You know that wiggly line which recurs on all your stationary – which can only represent the Douro River – I`d just like to remark that it bears a striking resemblance to the road our Sat-Nav took us down on departure! 😉
Gail XX